At about the 14-min mark, we start talking about the definition of "Septuagint," which is something about which I have a forthcoming academic article. Maybe I'll have more to say about that article later.
We also talk about the use of κύριος in the LXX and its application to Jesus in the New Testament, and whether Paul quoted the LXX. At about 27:30, we transition to talking about canon lists, and we stick to the topic of the biblical canon for the rest of the episode. About 15 minutes from the end, I mention another book I'm writing on the biblical canon, and then it comes up again at the very end of the podcast, where I mention that I am about to submit the manuscript to the publisher. I can now report that I did submit the manuscript, and it has now (just yesterday) been approved for publication. So now I'm making a few other little tweaks and will submit the completed and approved manuscript in the coming days.