
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

IOSCS Helsinki Proceedings Now Published

A quick note to announce the publication of the proceedings the 2010 Helsinki conference of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies. It is rather expensive ($100 or so), and as a contributor I only get a 40% discount. But they also sent me a PDF of the whole thing, and that's almost better than having a print copy.

My contribution is called "The Septuagint's Fidelity to Its Vorlage in Greek Patristic Thought" (pp. 663-76). I've uploaded it to my page, so check it out and tell me what you think.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Article on Jerome's Canon Now Available

I have finally had the opportunity to upload to my page at the paper published last year in JECS on Jerome's canon. It's now freely available, so, if you're interested, go to a look.You might have to register if you don't already have an account. It's free.

So far, it's the only thing I have available on that page, but I plan to add other stuff as it comes out. I should have two or three book chapters and another journal article come out in 2013, so they'll be added to my page in due course. Also, I've done a few book reviews that I'll add when I get around to it. You can follow me there if you are interested in such things.