Thursday, February 13, 2025

Pre-Order My Apocrypha Book

My book The Apocrypha through History (OUP) will be published in America in July, and Amazon now has it available for pre-order. Don't look at the price, just buy it. Really, wouldn't you be willing to pay any price for a book with the subtitle The Canonical Reception of the Deuterocanonical Literature? Wow, that sounds exciting! 

Here's the table of contents. 

  1. What Are the Apocrypha? 
  2. Jewish Scripture at the Birth of Christianity
  3. The Apocrypha in the New Testament
  4. Jewish Use of the Deuterocanonicals
  5. The Patristic Age
  6. The Medieval West
  7. The Sixteenth Century
  8. The Orthodox Tradition
  9. The English Bible
  10. Does It Matter? 

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